Altab Ali Park
Hundreds of people pass through the Altab Ali Park in White Chapel every day. Thousands of people know the name of Altab Ali Park. Millions of people can see the existence of the park on the map. However, only a few of us know who Altab Ali was and why the park has been named after him.
Documentary film about Altab Ali Park made by young people at Tower Hamlets Summer University exploring the racist murder of a Bangladeshi man, Altab Ali, in Brick Lane, East London in the 1970s. The tragedy sparked a wave of protests, and led the community to voice it's demands for human and civic rights in Britain.
This film was a joint winner of the Guy Ritchie Young Film Makers award 2004. The film project was led by Bhavesh Hindocha of Loud Minority.
For further information about 'Loud Minority', please visit their website at